General Rules & Regulations Rules & Regluations Planting Rules & Regulations Memorial Rules & Regulations

Interment Rules & Regulations

Planting Rules & Regulations

Artificial flowers are prohibited.

Annual flowers my be planted within 12 inches of the memorial on up to three sides.

The planting of evergreens or shrubs will not be permitted unless such planting is far enough removed from the boundaries of the plot to allow for growth and yet remain entirely within the confines of the plot. Such plantings are permitted only within the area at the head of the plot and with the Cemetery’s approval.

In sections reserved for flush markers, only annual flowers are permitted. No bushes, trees or shrubs of any kind are allowed. No full-length grave plantings o coverings of stone or wood chips. Rectangular wooden or plastic boxes or other planting containers are not permitted.

The Cemetery reserves the right to remove all bushes, trees, shrubs, flowers, wreaths, or other decorations that are unsightly or infringe upon other plots or walkways or are deemed dangerous or which are in violation of the Cemetery’s rules and regulations, after due notice to the potholders. All rubbish made by the potholders in tending to their plots must be removed immediately by them.

Headstone with yellow lilies